Improved Rice Production

  • If you are a rice farmer, adopt the practices outlined here.

  • If you are a rice buyer or consumer, share knowledge about climate-friendly practices with those who can use them.

  • Improving rice production increases rice yield and income for farmers.

  • More rice means more food security.

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    Farm Irrigation Efficiency

  • If you use irrigation, consider repairing or upgrading your system to reduce water waste.

  • If you are an investor, consider funding efforts to improve irrigation efficiency, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

  • Reducing water for irrigation increases water available for people.

  • Reducing excessive use of irrigation reduces contamination/fertilizer runoff that can pollutes waterways and drinking water.

  • Reducing irrigation reduces farm expenses.

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    Nutrient Management

  • If you grow crops, work with a consultant to fine-tune your fertilizer use to meet your needs. 

  • Encourage lawmakers to adopt policies that disincentivize fertilizer overuse.

  • Improved nutrient management can enhance soil and water quality because excess nitrogen on farmlands harms streams and rivers and can acidify soils, which in turn decreases crop yields.

  • Site-specific nutrient management can increase crop yield and profitability.

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    Regenerative Annual Cropping

  • Use your purchasing power to support farms that use regenerative practices such as compost application, cover crops, crop rotation, green manures, no-till or reduced tillage, and/or organic production.

  • If you farm, work with your local extension service to identify and implement regenerative practices suited to your circumstances.

  • Regenerative annual cropping boosts water filtration and retention, making farms and communities more resilient to droughts and floods, while reducing erosion and pollution.

  • It also enhances soil health and fertility for higher farm productivity.

  • More nutrients are available for plants and natural pest protection, minimizing the use of expensive fertilizers and pesticides.

  • Wildlife habitat, biodiversity, and ecosystem resilience are enriched.

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    Conservation Agriculture

  • Read a picture book about soil to a child in your life.

  • Post a photo of a reduced-tillage farm field to your social media with a message thanking the farmer for the climate-friendly practice.

  • Conservation agriculture improves soil health and reduces nutrient pollution in streams and rivers.

  • Sustainable Intensification for Smallholders

  • Use your purchasing power to show support for small, sustainably managed farms.

  • Promote laws and policies that incentivize climate-friendly agriculture.

  • Sustainable intensification for smallholders Increases farmers income and contributes to food security by increasing crop yield.

  • It also builds soil health and improves water infiltration during rain and retains the moisture during droughts.

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    Coastal Wetland Protection

  • Encourage the development and enforcement of laws and regulations that disincentivize destruction of coastal wetlands.

  • Support organizations working to protect coastal wetlands around the world. 

  • Coastal wetland protection mitigates the impacts of extreme climate events such as hurricanes, floods, and sea-level rise.

  • In many countries, particularly  small island developing states, mangroves and other coastal ecosystems support subsistence fisheries that are critical for food security.

  • Peatland Protection and Rewetting

  • Find out whether peatland protection part of the sustainability plan of the company that produces your favorite manufactured food item. If not, reach out or use social media to encourage a change. 

  • Make an earmarked contribution to an environmental organization that's working to advance equitable and just protection of peatlands.

  • Peatlands soak up floodwaters, protecting downstream communities from flooding.

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    Grassland Protection

  • If you own grassland, consider placing it under a conservation easement. 

  • Take a child on a grassland walk. Talk about the invisible world beneath your feet, where roots, invertebrates, microbes, and more create a powerhouse for storing carbon and supporting living things above the surface of the soil.

  • Grassland protection provides habitat for plants and animals in the world’s most endangered ecosystem.

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    Indigenous Peoples’ Forest Tenure

  • Support efforts to protect the rights of Indigenous people to traditional lands.

  • As you pursue climate solutions, consider other ways of knowing besides Western science.

  • Land tenure security that includes women as stakeholders results in higher household incomes, improved food security, and reduced gender-based violence.

  • Indigenous land management practices often prioritize the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity, preserving critical habitats for various plant and animal species.

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