The Project Drawdown Job Function Action Guides highlight specific, high-impact climate actions employees in common corporate professions can take at work. Each guide includes why your role and skills are needed in addressing climate change, tangible actions you can take to make your job a climate job, and key considerations and resources to help you get started. Each guide is also accompanied by a simplified Climate Action Checklist—something you can print and keep at your desk to keep you motivated and organized as you implement climate action at work!
While the guides are job function-specific, avoid working in isolation. It’s important to not only engage your own job and team, but also coordinate across all company functions and roles—to ensure lasting and effective climate action.
Have you used any of our Job Function Action Guides to make your job a climate job? If so, we want to hear about it! We encourage you to share your story with us by emailing
For more information on how businesses should be scaling climate action — and how employees play a crucial role — download our groundbreaking report, the Climate Solutions at Work employee guide.