Efficient Ocean Shipping

  • If international shipping is part of your company's supply chain, apply pressure to adopt fuel-saving practices and technologies.

  • Most efficient of all is not shipping in the first place. Before you buy something, consider whether the value of owning it is worth the price Earth's climate pays.

  • Electric Cars

  • If you have an EV, invite a friend or colleague along for a ride. If you don’t, take a test drive with a car dealer.

  • Encourage your community, employer, or a local business to install an EV charging station.

  • Electric cars help reduce air pollution in urban areas. Improved air quality is associated with improved respiratory and cardiovascular health.

  • Improving the quality of the air we breathe has been shown to reduce illnesses such as heart disease, asthma, pneumonia, diabetes, stroke, and lung cancer.

  • A widespread transition to electrified vehicles could prevent thousands of premature infant deaths caused by exposure to poor air quality

  • Because air pollution disproportionately affects marginalized communities, improving air quality by transitioning to electrified vehicles could improve equity across populations.

  • Electric Trains

  • If your company relies on railroads for freight transportation, encourage the rail services it uses to move toward electrification.

  • Support government policies that advance the adoption of renewable energy in place of fossil fuel–based electricity generation.

  • Electric trains alleviate the need to use land for roads and highways and improve air quality by reducing fossil fuel combustion. 

  • Efficient Trucks

  • Share this page with the local offices of  delivery companies that serve your community.

  • If you own a business, encourage adoption of fuel efficiency measure for the trucks in your supply chain.

  • Efficient trucking improves air quality by reducing the production of polluting exhaust.

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    Hybrid Cars

  • If you use a hybrid car, take a friend for a ride and show them how awesome it is.

  • Post your gas mileage and dollar savings to social media.

  • Hybrid cars produce fewer emissions than conventional vehicles and can help improve air quality. This in turn can reduce the risk of respiratory illnesses and improve overall well-being.

  • Hybrid cars use less fuel and therefore cost less to drive than conventional vehicles.

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  • Invest in tools and training that enable your employees to replace at least some travel with remote connections. 

  • If you're involved in meeting planning, provide remote or hybrid options and encourage attendees to consider their climate impact when deciding how to participate.

  • Remote working reduces travel time and inconvenience for workers and and travel expenses for employers.

  • High-Speed Rail

  • If high-speed rail is available, use it where possible instead of driving or flying.

  • Learn about high-speed rail. If it could be appropriate for your community, introduce policymakers to the benefits.

  • High-speed rail alleviates the need to use land for roads and highways. 

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    Public Transit

  • Whenever possible, take the train, bus, streetcar, or subway. Demand drives infrastructure!

  • Encourage your employer to chip in on the cost of public transit for employees.

  • Public transit reduces fuel consumption, lowers emissions, improves air quality, and alleviates traffic congestion.

  • It also promotes social equity by providing affordable transportation options across income levels.

  • Public transit contributes to the development of vibrant, walkable communities and reduces the demand for parking spaces.

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  • Invite a friend, neighbor, or colleague to share a ride to a mutual destination.

  • Encourage your employer or school to offer parking or other incentives for carpoolers. If they already do, spread the word. 

  • Carpooling reduces fuel consumption, lowers emissions, improves air quality, and alleviates traffic congestion.

  • Electric Bicycles

  • If you have an e-bike, add baskets and use it for functional travel as well as recreation. 

  • Encourage your community to add bike lanes, sharrows, and other infrastructure that will help normalize bicycling as a form of transportation.

  • Electric bicycles promote physical and mental health by encouraging exercise, reducing sedentary behavior, and improving cardiovascular fitness.

  • Electric bicycles contribute to cleaner air quality, decreased traffic congestion, and quieter urban environments by reducing air and noise pollution from internal combustion engine vehicles.

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