Climate, investing, philanthropy – and you

To avoid climate catastrophe, we must invest in the most effective “emergency brake” climate solutions as quickly as possible – through philanthropy, private investment, corporate spending, and government funding.

This will take a strategic, ecosystem-style approach in order to mobilize more climate funding and align existing funding with proven climate science and solutions, such as Project Drawdown’s scientific analysis showing that there are nearly 100 technologically and financially viable solutions for reducing, avoiding, or sequestering emissions.

Understanding – and correcting – Earth’s troubling climate trajectory

The planet is now more than 1.1°C warmer than before the Industrial Revolution – and it shows. This summer, we’ve experienced punishing heat waves, devastating floods, and toxic levels of wildfire smoke filling our skies.

As temperatures climb, the risk of extreme weather rises, too. And we’re facing an even hotter, more dangerous future. Humans are conducting an unprecedented experiment on the entire planet, and no one is sure exactly how bad it will turn out.

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