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Connect climate solutions and your actions with Drawdown Ecochallenge

Cyclist in urban environment
Credit: Ross Sneddon / Unsplash

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Conversations about climate change and climate solutions often include traditional leaders while overlooking everyday people trying to effect change. But people – both individually and collectively – have a pivotal role to play in stopping climate change. So how can individuals take action to integrate climate solutions into their own lives? And how can they leverage that action to increase their understanding of and connection with the broader systemic changes our world needs?

While Project Drawdown has created a number of resources to help people discover solutions and take action – including our Climate Solutions at Work report, Job Function Action Guides, Drawdown’s Neighborhood series, and the Solutions Library – our partnership with serves as another entry point for individuals and communities to help stop climate change. 

This October advocates and changemakers from around the world (including you!) are invited to register and participate in Drawdown Ecochallenge, a digital platform that gamifies behavior change, providing fun challenges that encourage new habits and help communities, corporations, students, and everyday people contribute to a more sustainable world.

Before the monthlong challenge begins on October 1, participants – whether as individuals or community groups – are invited to create or join a team, select drawdown-aligned actions, and prepare with a variety of provided resources. During the event, participants can complete those selected actions, share their stories, and see and celebrate the collective impact as thousands of people around the world do their part to stop climate change. 

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Featured panelists for Drawdown Ecochallenge webinars hosted by Project Drawdown director of storytelling & engagement Matt Scott

This year, for the first time, Project Drawdown director of storytelling & engagement Matt Scott is hosting a related webinar series on three key themes: local communities, schools, and businesses. Each session will feature a panel of real-world climate heroes making an impact day in and day out, including a number of changemakers from the climate solutions short documentary series Drawdown’s Neighborhood. Please see below for a summary of the webinars and be sure to register for them through the Drawdown Ecochallenge dashboard:

If you’re looking to unlock your own real-world climate solution superpowers and learn how those efforts can be scaled to create a better, more sustainable future, then join Drawdown Ecochallenge today! Learn more and sign up at

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