7 meaningful climate actions for smaller businesses

Credit: Brooke Cagle | Unsplash

It’s time to elevate and expand corporate sustainability from the often siloed, underresourced work of small sustainability teams to the work of every team – harnessing the passion and expertise that every employee has to advance climate action.

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) especially have a unique opportunity to engage their entire organizations. That's because their flexible and innovative natures can orchestrate cross-functional sustainability strategies much more easily than a large corporation.

SMBs can leverage their existing employee responsibilities and knowledge to create meaningful impact – without exhausting already limited time and resources. Every business function can help make a difference:

Finance: Make sure you’re banking with a bank that is fossil fuel-free.

Government Relations and Public Policy: Keep up-to-date with local legislation and voice your support.

Human Resources and Operations: Provide your employees with climate-friendly 401(k)s.

Legal: When you work with external counsel, choose climate-committed law firms.

Marketing: Nudge your customers to take their own climate action.

Procurement: Give preference to sustainable suppliers. 

Sales: Integrate climate action into your sales models.

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