Use sustainably made bioplastics in place of conventional plastic items.
Encourage your employee or campus cafeteria and local restaurants to replace conventional plastics with the products you found to be the best.
Decide where to invest
Use sustainably made bioplastics in place of conventional plastic items.
Encourage your employee or campus cafeteria and local restaurants to replace conventional plastics with the products you found to be the best.
Share this drawdown solution with a development organization.
Learn more about how methane contributes to climate change and explore ways that you and your community can help alleviate the burden.
Improving rice production increases rice yield and income for farmers.
More rice means more food security.
If you are a rice farmer, adopt the practices outlined here.
If you are a rice buyer or consumer, share knowledge about climate-friendly practices with those who can use them.
Improving rice production increases rice yield and income for farmers.
More rice means more food security.
Use your purchasing power to show support for small, sustainably managed farms.
Promote laws and policies that incentivize climate-friendly agriculture.
Sustainable intensification for smallholders Increases farmers income and contributes to food security by increasing crop yield.
It also builds soil health and improves water infiltration during rain and retains the moisture during droughts.
Find out whether peatland protection part of the sustainability plan of the company that produces your favorite manufactured food item. If not, reach out or use social media to encourage a change.
Make an earmarked contribution to an environmental organization that's working to advance equitable and just protection of peatlands.
Peatlands soak up floodwaters, protecting downstream communities from flooding.
If you own grassland, consider placing it under a conservation easement.
Take a child on a grassland walk. Talk about the invisible world beneath your feet, where roots, invertebrates, microbes, and more create a powerhouse for storing carbon and supporting living things above the surface of the soil.
Grassland protection provides habitat for plants and animals in the world’s most endangered ecosystem.
Support efforts to protect the rights of Indigenous people to traditional lands.
As you pursue climate solutions, consider other ways of knowing besides Western science.
Land tenure security that includes women as stakeholders results in higher household incomes, improved food security, and reduced gender-based violence.
Indigenous land management practices often prioritize the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity, preserving critical habitats for various plant and animal species.
If you own or manage forestland, identify and adopt practices that maximize long-term carbon storage.
Contribute to organizations and preferentially purchase products that help protect forests.
Forest protection can reduce the incidence of vector-borne diseases and exposure to extreme weather (such as heat).
This solution provides increased opportunity for time in nature, which is shown to reduce obesity, improve mental health, reduce blood pressure, and boost immune function.
Forest protection improves air and water quality.
Protecting forested land can reduce species and biodiversity loss, which contributes to improved planetary health.
Combined with ecotourism or agroforestry, forest protection can alleviate poverty by increasing income and boosting the economy.
If you're an engineer or entrepreneur, consider applying your talents to improving energy storage.
Encourage your utility to look into energy storage options in preparation for bringing more renewables online.
Utility-scale energy storage enables energy technologies that are less expensive and less polluting than new coal power plants.
New energy storage technologies create new job opportunities (construction, installation, maintenance, etc.)
Ask the utility that provides your electricity what it's doing to incorporate distributed energy storage into its plans for the future.
Make your next vehicle an electric vehicle.
Distributed energy storage reduces the chance of blackouts when electricity demand is high.