Heather Jones

Heather Jones, PhD

Research Fellow

Heather Jones, PhD, is an economist who specializes in the intersection of infrastructure, transportation, and climate change. She has expertise in including externalities in assessments through CBA, LCA, and creating specialized models. Her work for Project Drawdown centers on climate solutions in the transportation sector.

Heather earned her PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Portugal Program-University of Lisbon in Transportation Systems and an MBA in finance from the Jenkins School of Management at NCSU. She has lectured at MIT, SciencesPo and University of Lisbon-Técnico. She has worked on transportation, Infratech, climate financing mechanisms, and the circular economy at Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, UN ESCAP, World Bank, and GCSE and served as an associate editor for the Encyclopedia of UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Outside of work Heather enjoys cooking and swimming in any body of water she can find but prefers ocean swimming the most.