Daphne Prodis

Daphne Prodis

Stories Fellow

As a stories fellow, Daphne works to deepen the impact of and engagement with Drawdown Stories initiatives, namely Drawdown’s Neighborhood and The Global Solutions Diary. Currently a master’s student of environmental science & management at UC Santa Barbara’s Bren School, she specializes in business and sustainability with a focus in strategic communications. She strives to inspire empathy, optimism, and action within environmental narratives and seeks to create inclusive spaces for people to explore their own journey as agents towards climate solutions.

Daphne brings a background in environmental education, working for the Monterey Bay Aquarium as an operational ambassador and mentor for student volunteers. She also worked in the public sector as an agricultural biologist intern for the County of Santa Clara Agriculture Department. Having earned her bachelor of arts in environmental studies from UCSB, she is a passionate teaching assistant for undergraduate courses and enjoys facilitating meaningful conversations. As a proud Gen Z, she is acutely attuned to the intersectionality of climate and social justice and believes in the reciprocal relationships between human and non-human species.

In her free time, you can find Daphne running, hiking, biking, and beaching in sunny Santa Barbara, California (or New York City this summer). She loves a good thrift find and live music performance. Her latest hobby has been learning how to find balance on a slackline.