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Drawdown Capital Coalition

The Drawdown Capital Coalition is a new program and community for impact investors, philanthropists, and their advisors that aims to guide private capital to strategic, science-based climate solutions.

The Challenge

If we are to stop climate change, we must use science-based action to invest in the most effective climate solutions as quickly as possible – through philanthropy, private investment, corporate spending, and government funding. 

Funders are currently investing hundreds of billions of dollars annually in climate mitigation. Unfortunately, funding patterns can be misaligned with the most urgent and impactful climate solutions, so many funders seek more support to ensure their giving and impact investments are focused on the most effective, science-backed strategies with respect to sector, timing, geography, and co-benefits for human and environmental well-being

To shape a sustainable future, we must use science to guide capital to the solutions that will yield the greatest benefit in the least amount of time.

The Solution

To this end, Project Drawdown is launching a new program to help funders across the capital stack align investments with high-impact climate solutions. The Drawdown Capital Coalition will connect impact investors, philanthropists, and their advisors to Project Drawdown’s world-class climate science experts who can cut through the confusion and misleading claims in the climate solutions space and serve as trusted, science-based thought partners

Project Drawdown will provide the convening structure and scientific grounding for our philanthropic and investment partners to share science-aligned funding opportunities. With the support of partners and members, the Capital Coalition will also raise opportunities for individual or coordinated engagement across non-funding levers that can help scale critical climate solutions. 

The Impact

The Drawdown Capital Coalition will equip and empower a broad community of funders with the latest climate science, identify critical solutions for reducing emissions, and ultimately inspire more and better investments. By providing the foundation for new collaborations and initiatives, the Capital Coalition will foster a robust climate solutions ecosystem and inspire a new wave of climate thinking, action, and funding that builds upon Project Drawdown’s renowned solutions-based approach. 

Inquire about joining today to work with a coalition of peer impact investors, philanthropists, advisors, and others committed to accelerating their climate impact.

Member Benefits

Capital Coalition members have access to:

  • Drawdown Briefings
    Private series of online, in-depth webinars presented by Project Drawdown's world-renowned scientists and experts.
  • Drawdown Deep Dives
    Invite-only, multi-week workshops that convene key business, investor, and philanthropic stakeholders to understand the unique and powerful levers at their disposal to scale climate solutions.
  • Expert Engagement & Education Opportunities
    Access to Project Drawdown’s team of scientists, sustainability experts, and communicators for periodic speaking engagements, conferences, board presentations, and debriefs.
  • Collaboration 
    Collaborate with other members on ways to de-risk climate investments while identify emerging opportunities around ‘emergency brake’ and other key climate solutions. 
  • Collective Action 
    Speak as a unified voice with other members to publicly encourage decision-makers to accelerate policies and investments toward climate solutions.

Member Criteria

The Capital Coalition is designed for impact investors, philanthropists, and their advisors deploying or planning to deploy at least $50,000 per year toward climate change solutions. 

Membership is by invitation and may include:

  • Foundations, family offices, or individual donors, and their advisors 
  • Accredited impact investors and their advisors
  • Impact investment firms and asset managers
  • Philanthropic or impacting investing networks or service providers

Additionally, Capital Coalition members must not be engaged in policy or shareowner advocacy against climate action, policy, or science.

Membership in the Drawdown Capital Coalition is by invitation only. If you or your organization do not fall into these groups but see value in the Capital Coalition programming, please reach out to express interest in membership or attending the standalone Drawdown Briefing series.

Founding Partners

We are grateful to our Founding Partners, including among others those featured below, for their support in launching the Drawdown Capital Coalition. Please reach out to learn more about how you or your organization can join and become a member today.

Bentley Environmental Foundation

The Bentley Environmental Foundation exemplifies Bentley’s commitment to sustainability and bold innovation that has always been part of their brand’s ethos, to help solve some of the most important challenges facing humanity today.

Spectrum Impact

Spectrum Impact is a family office committed to solving large-scale societal problems with novel solutions. They allocate the for-profit and not-for-profit pools of capital in a manner consistent with the objective of optimizing the financial, societal, and environmental returns on the investments made.


Toniic is a global community of over 500 high-net wealth individuals, family offices, and foundation asset owners who are seeking a deeper impact in investments, and in their lives. Their members include active impact investors, as well as those who are just beginning their journey. They provide peer-sharing opportunities, educational resources, and curated investments to their members, who use Toniic to amplify their positive net impact.

Wana Brands Foundation

The Wana Brands Foundation (WBF) was established by Wana Brands CEO Nancy Whiteman to provide funding and other support for a wide range of charitable initiatives. A separate entity from the Wana Brands Corporation, the WBF focuses on providing life essentials to underserved communities all over the world.

Consilium Capital

Consilium Capital is a specialist corporate finance firm dedicated to advising and raising capital internationally for companies and investment funds focussed on sustainable or impact investment. Their mission is to assist clients focussed on business and investments which address global environmental or social challenges and are intended to achieve both attractive financial returns and measurable impact.

Excelsior Impact Fund

The Excelsior Impact Fund invests to create the world we want for future generations – an equitable one that lives in harmony with nature, respects biodiversity, and provides the opportunity for everyone to have a rich and fulfilled life. The Excelsior Impact Fund represents the pooled assets of multiple families that invests across the returns continuum to maximize long-term impact toward a sustainable and just world.

Seabright Ventures Fund

Seabright Ventures launched in 2022 to guide private equity investments in three areas: the US middle market following the search fund model; biotech and life sciences to support the advancement of human health; and clean technology to help accelerate the transition to a clean and sustainable economy.

Studio Kakapo

Studio Kakapo helps solutions-focused people and projects achieve faster, bigger impact through strategic communication and storytelling.

The Joseph and Vera Long Foundation

Established in 1966, The Joseph & Vera Long Foundation is a private, family foundation that envisions a world where natural resources are preserved, opportunities are created for children and youth to thrive, adequate care is provided for the afflicted and most vulnerable, and women are supported.

In addition, we would like to thank the following for their support: the Anne and Don Bice Climate Fund; the Anne Hale and Arthur W. Johnson Fund; the Caldwell Fisher Family Foundation; the Deer Dancer Impact Fund; the Gerald L. Lennard Foundation; the Gratitude Fund; and the Xancharlize Fund.

Learn More

Are you an impact investor, philanthropist, or advisor looking to accelerate investments in science-backed solutions to stop climate change? Do you work with networks of funders interested in advancing climate change solutions? Learn more about how to join the Drawdown Capital Coalition by filling out the form below.

Looking to request a speaker from Drawdown Labs on the Capital Coalition and/or a related topic? Please use our Speaker Request Form.

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