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What is the Global Solutions Diary?

Check out a Q&A with Project Drawdown Director of Storytelling and Engagement Matt Scott about this first-of-its-kind initiative from Drawdown Stories.

A woman looking at her phone recording a video for the Global Solutions Diary

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Everyone taking climate action, no matter who you are or where you live, has a story to share. 

Part of my role leading Drawdown Stories, Project Drawdown’s storytelling and engagement program, is to pass the mic to those who too often go unheard in the climate space so they can share stories of climate action and solutions that resonate with their communities.

To enable more people than ever before to share their climate solutions stories, we are launching the Global Solutions Diary. Read on to learn more about this exciting new project and discover how you can get involved!

Q: What is the Global Solutions Diary?

The Global Solutions Diary is an opportunity for everyday people to contribute to the conversation on climate solutions. It is a first-of-its-kind community-generated video library where people around the world can share their stories of taking action and deploying solutions to stop climate change.

Too often we only center the crisis and traditional leaders when we talk about climate change. But each and every day there are people – unsung heroes – all around the world who are doing their part to contribute to solutions. The Global Solutions Diary invites those people to not only share how they are taking climate action in, for, and with their communities, but also to share who or what inspired them to get engaged.

For now, we welcome you to check out sample videos and share your story. But stay tuned, because later this year we will be launching an interactive dashboard where you can engage and share those stories that most resonate with you.

Q: Why did you create the Global Solutions Diary?

We need to promote new narratives and new voices if we want to stop climate change.

According to the most recent Yale Climate Opinion Maps, though 72% of people know climate change is happening, 64% rarely or never talk about it. Moreover, even when we do talk about climate change, the way we do so, as psychologist and economist Per Espen Stoknes points out, often results in a sense of distance, doom, cognitive dissonance, denial, and conflicts with identity. If that’s not enough, the communities first and worst impacted by the climate crisis – Black communities, Indigenous communities, and communities of color (BIPOC) – are those that have, historically, been the least represented in climate spaces and stories.

The Global Solutions Diary seeks to not only provide permission and encouragement for people to join the conversation but also invites and centers diverse stories from around the world to demonstrate that everyone has a role when it comes to climate change and climate solutions.

Your voice and story have incredible power to influence those around you to take climate action and share their own stories.

Q: When does it launch?

The Global Solutions Diary is open for submissions and can be found at There, you’ll find examples of videos we’ve already received from around the world, as well as a prompt to share your story. In fall 2024, the Global Solutions Diary will be launching in full, with interactive maps and a variety of ways to engage with submitted videos showing a world of climate solutions.

Q: Who can participate?

Anyone and everyone who is taking climate action in, for, and with their communities is encouraged to participate. We want to hear from everyone doing their part to contribute to climate solutions – whether through their day-to-day careers, volunteer roles, or special projects.

Q: How can I get involved?

Share your story and encourage your communities to do the same! Your voice and story have incredible power to influence those around you to take climate action and share their own stories. Stopping climate change – as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible – will take a village, to say the least; sharing our stories is one way we can grow that village and ensure that all of us have a seat at the table.

Matt Scott is the director of storytelling and engagement at Project Drawdown, where he leverages his expertise in human-centered design and storytelling to pass the mic to those who often go unheard in the climate space. He is the creator and host of the Drawdown’s Neighborhood climate solutions short docuseries, and leads the Drawdown Stories program.

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